In the past forty years, college tuition costs have risen dramatically, well above the inflation rate and far exceeding the growth of other major costs such as medical costs.
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In the past forty years, college tuition costs have risen dramatically, well above the inflation rate and far exceeding the growth of other major costs such as medical costs.
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The majority of Americans can agree that when they receive a diagnosis or prescription recommendation from a doctor, that doctor should be held to the utmost standards of medical practice.
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The rapid evolution of technology today can be alarming, especially to those not familiar with it. However, it also has obvious benefits.
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Plagiarism is the act of taking someone else’s work as your own. Rather, it’s the knowing act of stealing other’s work without accreditation.
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Honor codes have been used to enforce honesty and exploit cheaters and copycats alike; always steadfast and ready to seize the next student caught in the act of cheating or plagiarism.
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Technology, a development and essential part of education everywhere, used as a resource, major tool and essential component in most education circumstances.
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